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ambil sendiri bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ambil sendiri"
  • ambil:    pick up; select; possess; put off; fetch;
  • sendiri:    alone; by himself; in person; its own; on her
  • ambil:    pick up; select; possess; put off; fetch; consume; do with; pick; lay; get; put down; kidnap; have; put away; occupy; grab at; ingest; lift; accept; use; choose; take; with; convey; carry; take away
  • sendiri:    alone; by himself; in person; its own; on her own; own; personally; self; selves; herself; himself; itself; oneself; self-; themselves; yourself; solitude; his own; deserted; nothing but; for all th
  • ambil alih:    takeover
  • ambil angin:    draw breath
  • ambil bagian:    partaken; enter into; play a/no part in; take part in; attend; enter; be in; take part; be in for; participate; partake
  • ambil balik:    get back; take back
  • ambil contoh:    take for example
  • ambil cuti:    take leave
  • ambil dadah:    drug taking
  • ambil dari:    taken from
  • ambil gambar:    take photo
  • ambil masa:    take time
  • ambil tindakan:    take action
  • Now, why don't you grab yourself a shower?
    Sekarang, kenapa tidak Anda ambil sendiri mandi?
  • I already ate, so please help yourself.
    Aku sudah makan, jadi mama ambil sendiri yah.
  • Why don't you come in and get it?
    Kenapa kamu tidak masuk dan ambil sendiri?
  • Johnson Commons, all-you-can-eat self-serve ice cream.
    Johnson Commons, es krim sebanyak yang bisa kau makan ambil sendiri.
  • Sure, help yourself. It's right here on the stove.
    Tentu ambil sendiri, di sini di atas kompor.
  • My hands are trembling, so I can't grab it myself.
    Tanganku gemetaran, aku tidak bisa ambil sendiri.
  • James, he told you to get it from him.
    James, Dia beritahu awak untuk ambil sendiri darinya.
  • I cling to them but like everything they fade.
    Aku ambil sendiri kepada mereka tetapi karena semuanya memudar.
  • If you change your mind, scoop it out.
    Kalau kau berubah pikiran, ambil sendiri
  • There's coffee in the kitchen, help yourselves.
    Ada kopi di dapur, silahkan ambil sendiri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5